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Project presentation: Mediateca Onshore
With: Filipa César, Flora Gomes, Marinho de Pina
Sep 6, 2021 16:15 Arsenal Cinema, free admission

The Mediateca Onshore has been working since 2018 as nomadic venue in Guinea-Bissau, fostering an organic network through performing arts, moving image, and archival practices. The activities derive directly from the archival project “Luta ca caba inda”, initiated by Sana na N’Hada and Filipa César in 2011 with the aim of restituting and reactivating the history of Guinean militant cinema – born out of the struggle for independence against Portuguese colonialism – by digitizing the remains of the national film archives. The Mediateca Onshore is now at once a space, a creole community, and a hub for cine-kinship and translocal connectivity. It aims to respond creatively to the existing and imminent conflicts between development and tradition, and to develop artistic tools that foster participation in these processes of transformation. 

See also: Animated Archive

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund