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Sep 5, 2021 11:00–15:00 Arsenal Cinema
free admission, registration at archive(at)arsenal-berlin.de
All panels will be held in German.

The symposium will be streamed live on YouTube and remain available afterwards (link to YouTube).

The symposium The Right to a Public: Working with TV Archives took place in autumn 2020. The presentation of films and television programs by Navina Sundaram, Sohrab Shahid Saless, and Harun Farocki showed the need to work together with broadcasters and other social actors to ensure (public) access to their collections, and the visualization of film history along with it. The historical, cultural, and educational value of the broadcasters’ archival holdings is beyond doubt. High time, then, to consider them as democratic common property and national film heritage, to discuss the right to education, copyright and personal rights, and the future of television. We can note some positive recent developments, inside and outside the broadcasters. At the symposium, they are to be bundled and strengthened. 
“The Right to a Public II” invites representatives of broadcasters, cultural institutions, academia, cinema and film production to an open debate.

Futur I: Archivbestände als Gemeingut

11:00–12.30 with: Kathrin Brinkmann (ZDF/arte), Christopher Frye, Feven Haile, Christiane Schleindl (Filmhaus Nürnberg), Marc-André Schmachtel (Goethe-Institut)
Moderation: Volker Pantenburg

Futur II: Formen und Möglichkeiten des Zugangs

13.30–15:00 with: Johanna Boether, Sunju Choi (Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen), Tim Schmalfeldt (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung), Jörg Wehling (DLF Archiv)
Moderation: Vivien Buchhorn

Concept by: Vivien Buchhorn, Merle Kröger, Volker Pantenburg

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media