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Given that the apocalypse expected for the end of 2012 failed to materialize, there’s enough reason to think about what is now to become of us. Bringing contemporary social debates to cinemas and uncovering new trends in world film are what the Arsenal cinema in Berlin and the International Forum of New Cinema at the Berlinale have been about for decades now. As part of the "Living Archive – Archive Work as a Contemporary Artistic and Curatorial Practice" project, several film programs and series will be initiated in ten "Kommunal" cinemas across Germany. These publically funded, regional art house cinemas have played a key role in the German cinema landscape since being founded in the seventies. The first years of Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art e.V. (formerly Friends of the German Film Archive), which is celebrating its fiftieth birthday this year, are closely linked to the history of these "Kommunal" cinemas.

"World in Progress" is a unique pool of films consisting of over 30 short and feature-length films acquired by arsenal distribution since 2007: films from all over the world, which grapple with life and survival, work, identity and vision with regards to both form and content. All participating cinemas receive financial support for their curatorial work and can loan and screen two feature length films or short film programs of their choice for free. A shared Internet presence will also be created on this page, on which one will be informed about the progress of the project.

"World in Progress" is a platform for local and cultural cinema work in Germany: an homage to repertory cinemas and a form of active support for curated film programs. Rainer Schleßelmann’s photographs, which were taken at forty German cinemas and different film initiatives in 2007, can also be put together to form exhibitions without the need for licensing, with the photos able to be purchased at cost price.

"World in Progress" is an invitation for active networking to take place between individual event organizers and to promote exchange regarding content and logistical cooperation, all under the umbrella of the “Living Archive – Archive Work as a Contemporary Artistic and Curatorial Practice” project.


Kino im Künstlerhaus - Kommunales Kino Hannover
3.4. Wonderful Town (Aditya Assarat, Thailand 2007)
10.4. Imani (Caroline Kamya, Uganda/Sweden 2010)
17.4. Sweetgrass (Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Ilisa Barbash, USA 2009)
24.4. U Lang Shen Gao Ren - God Man Dog (Singing Chen, Taiwan 2007)
14.5. Umdeinleben (Gesine Danckwart, Germany 2008)
21.5. Utopians (Zbigniew Bzymek, USA 2011)
22.5. Zum Vergleich (Harun Farocki, Germany 2009), Cutaways of Jing Chun Gen-For (James T. Hong, Taiwan/USA 2012)
28.5. Besprechung (Stefan Landorf, Germany 2009)
29.5. Ruhr (James Benning, Germany 2009)

Filmhaus Nürnberg
5.4.–7.4. Kurzfilmprogramm 1: 2026 (Maha Maamoun, Egypt 2010), Pas Tout (Ludovic Burel & Isabelle Prim, France 2008), Giza Zoo (Solmez Shahbazi, Germany 2010), Vostok, Faretheewell (Andy Graydon, USA 2011)
12.4. & 15.4. Os Residentes (Tiaga Mata Machado, Brasil 2010)
14.4. & 16.4. Kurzfilmprogramm 2: Final Fitting (Reza Haeri, Iran 2008), Al Wadi/The Valley (Firas Taybeh, Jordan 2011), In die Erde gebaut (Ute Aurand, Germany 2008)

City 46, Bremen
23.5. De Engel van Doel (Tom Fassaert, Netherlands/Belgium 2011)
20.5. & 22.6. Sweetgrass (Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Ilisa Barbash, USA 2009)

CineK, Oldenburg
4.6. De Engel van Doel (Tom Fassaert, Netherlands/Belgium 2011)
10.6. Imani (Caroline Kamya, Uganda/Sweden 2010)

Kommunales Kino Freiburg
28.6. Traumfabrik Kabul (Sebastian Heidinger, Germany 2011)
20.5. & 27.6. Super Art Market (Zoran Solomon, Germany 2009)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund