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Riki Kalbe (born September 20, 1941 in Wuppertal, died January 2, 2002 in Berlin) was a filmmaker and photographer. She loved concrete things, discovering metaphorical universes in them, she invented the feminist hacker, anticipating reality, she researched ordinary stories and dedicated herself to hidden memory, always pursuing the question of how memory is possible at all. Between 1976 and 1998 she shot 15 films, some of them in collaboration with Barbara Kasper and others. In 2006 her films were shown at Arsenal cinema on the occasion of an exhibition of her photographs. She had spent a great deal of time there, both as spectator and as filmmaker. In the sensitive way that she brought things together and her excitement for ideas, she also functioned as a programmer. To express her long-term association with the Arsenal, she left her entire body of filmic work to the archive there. Her photographic estate is held at the Akademie der Künste.

IM PRINZIP HABEN WIR NICHTS GEGEN MÄDCHEN (In principle, we don't mind girls…, West Germany 1976)
DER LETZTE KUSS (Sweet Sticky Stuff, West Germany 1977)
HEXENSCHUSS (Interferences, West Germany 1979)
DIE OPTISCHE INDUSTRIEGESELLSCHAFT ODER DARF'S EIN VIERTEL PFUND MEHR SEIN (The optical industrial society or: can I give you a little more?, West Germany 1983)
BODENPROBEN (Ground Analysis, West Germany 1987)
OHNE NACHTIGALLEN (Without Nightingales, West Germany 1987)

KNOTEN SONNBORN (Crossroads, West Germany 1988)
KAMEN-SÜD (South Kamen, West Germany 1989)
ZWEI ZU EINS (Two to One, Germany 1991)
VON DER REICHSKANZLEI BIS PARAGUAY (From the Reich Chancellery to Paraguay, Germany 1992)
DENKMALPFLEGE (Monuments, Germany 1993)
FUSSVOLK (Pedestrians Crossing, Germany 1994)
BERLINER LUFT (Berlin Air, Germany 1996)
DER HORIZONT (The Horizon, Germany 1996)
EIN GLEICHES (Another One, Germany 1998)

Extras 16 pages booklet

Language: German
Subtitles: English
Region code: code-free
System: PAL Color
Format: 4:3 & 16:9
Running time: 263 min
Sound format: DD 2.0
Price: 16,90 €

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund