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Sans lendemain

There's No Tomorrow

Tue 22.11.

  • Director

    Max Ophüls

  • France / 1939/40
    82 min. / DCP / Original version with English subtitles

  • Original language


  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender
  • 18.00: Lecture by Inga Pollmann (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill): „The Image as Affective Milieu: Mood, Medium and Environmental Aesthetics“ Unfortunately the lecture has to be cancelled due to illness! 20:00: Screening

How could the cinematic image be understood as an affective milieu - and what would that mean for us as well as for the cinematographic apparatus? In her lecture "The Image as Affective Milieu: Mood, Medium and Environmental Aesthetics" Inga Pollmann (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) understands photography and film as media in a double sense: environmental, in the sense of milieus, environments, surroundings; and aesthetic, in the sense of moods and atmospheres. Media thus reveal a sense of being-in-the-world, they define life and form “worlds around” (or parts of them). Starting out from the paradigm of hunting, Pollmann draws a connection to Max Ophüls' SANS LENDEMAIN (There’s No Tomorrow, F 1939/40). Using mise en scène and point of view, she elaborates an environmental reading of the images. The film, which Ophüls shot in exile on the eve of the Second World War, will be shown after the lecture.

Unfortunately the lecture has to be cancelled due to illness! The film screening will take place as announced.

The Cinepoetics Lectures are a series organized by a group of researchers of the same name at Freie Universität Berlin. (Hannes Wesselkämper)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund