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Großes Kino, kleines Kino #54 – What’s crunching, buzzing and skipping there in the film?

Film still from FADENSPIELE: A series of ribbons in yellow, orange and blue are intertwined on a snowy forest path.

Sun 12.02.

Rustling, rushing, murmuring, melodies: the cinema soundtrack has allowed us to listen to all this and much, much more since the introduction of sound film. In the early years of cinema, musicians and sound artists were responsible for creating cinema sound. Today, these worlds of sound enter the cinema over several channels. After searching for sound in old and new films, we will develop a soundtrack together. But before we start making our own sonic experiments and creating our own collective ideas for a soundtrack to HOW A MOSQUITO OPERATES (USA 1912) and play them live, we’ll be discovering what can be seen and heard in four other short films: FLUKE by Emily Breer (USA 1985) travels through air and water. In DÉMÉNAGEMENT À LA CLOCHE DE BOIS (France 1905) by Alice Guy Blaché, all that’s left for an artist is to move house at breakneck speed. Ribbons fly in M.M. Serras PP II (USA 1986) and find new forms again and again in FADENSPIELE I (Detel Aurand, Ute Aurand, Germany 1999). (em) A sound workshop with Eunice Martins. For all aged 8 and above.

Déménagement à la cloche de bois Alice Guy Blaché F 1905 16 mm 2 min.
Fadenspiele I Detel Aurand, Ute Aurand D 1999 16 mm without dialogue 8 min.
Fluke Emily Breer USA 1985 16 mm without dialogue 6 min.
PP II MM Serra USA 1986 16 mm without dialogue 1 min.
How a mosquito operates Winsor McCay USA 1912 16 mm 5 min.

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut