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Big Cinema, Small Cinema #60 – Water

Film still from BY THE SEA: Charlie Chaplin and a woman standing next to each other on the beach.

Sun 23.04.

Water and the sea are favored motifs for moving images, for they themselves are in constant motion. In her dreamlike short films TREPPE INS WASSER and WASSERSPIEL, Milena Gierke’s camera takes on the perspective of someone out for a walk. In UNDER THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE, Rudy Burckhardt explores how the city of New York and its people live close to the Hudson river. Based on children’s drawings, the film LANAS GESCHICHTE by Anna Faroqhi and Haim Peretz shows water as being dangerous for Lana and her family. And last, but not least, the sea and the beach are the backdrop for amusing confusions for Charlie Chaplin in BY THE SEA. Afterwards, we invite everyone to take part in a water film experiment. (Anna Faroqhi)
Open to everyone 8 years and up.

Treppe ins Wasser Milena Gierke Germany 1993 Digital file silent 3 Min.
Wasserspiel 1 Milena Gierke Germany 1997 Digital file silent 2 Min.
Under the Brooklyn Bridge Rudy Burckhardt USA 1953 16 mm without dialogue 15 Min.
Lanas Geschichte Anna Faroqhi and Haim Peretz
Music: Laura Mello, Eunice Martins Germany 2017 Digital file 11 Min.
By the Sea Charles Chaplin USA 1915 35 mm OV 14 Min.

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  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund