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Wehe den Besiegten – Der 17. Juni 1953

Mon 05.06.

  • Director

    Andrea Ritterbusch

  • GDR / 1990/91
    87 min. / DCP / Original version

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender
  • Introduction: Linda Söffker (DEFA-Stiftung)

“June 17th, 1990, East Berlin. East Germany will exist for three more months. Not enough time to commemorate all those who rose up in ’53, showed civil courage and were beaten down again. This film is dedicated to them”. This is what’s heard in voiceover to accompany images of East Germany disintegrating in 1989/90 at the beginning of WEHE DEN BESIEGTEN – DER 17. JUNI 1953. Those who witnessed both historical moments at the time remember and comment on the series of events that make up the story of the revolt.  
Several weeks after the peaceful revolution, DEFA documentary filmmaker Andrea Ritterbusch developed and directed this moving film about the story, progression of and consequences of the general strike and revolt of June 17th, 1953 based on previously unseen archive material. For the first time, those who resisted were able to have their say without political consequence alongside those loyal to regime and witnesses of events from the West. (Linda Söffker)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media