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Big Cinema, Small Cinema#63
: Short film program and sound workshop

Filmstill from DWIGHTIANA

Sun 08.10.

What is that humming, buzzing, splashing in the film? Ever since films were first shown in 1895, they have been accompanied by sounds and music. Today, sounds, voices, music and noises are put together on a soundtrack. Before we experiment with sounds, language and noises ourselves, inventing ideas for a soundtrack for DWIGHTIANA by Marie Menken and performing live, we will discover what can be seen and heard in five short films: DARLINGTONIA II leads us into the depths of the world of plants, in FIREHOUSE shadows and lights swirl to pulsating rhythms. LANTOUY immerses us in a magical world of images and sounds. In the documentary footage of LANGS DEN BENEDENLOOP DER TJI-LIWONG, we travel along a river in Indonesia and in WEEKEND we listen to the sounds of a morning. (em)
For everybody aged eight and above. 

DARLINGTONIA II Doris Schmid CH 2010 DCP 3 min.
FIREHOUSE Bärbel Neubauer Germany 1998 35 mm 5 min.
LANTOUY Isabell Spengler, Daniel Adams Germany 2006 DCP 7 min.
LANGS DEN BENEDENLOOP DER TJI-LIWONG Entlang der Ufer des Tji-Liwong NL 1912 DCP 4 min.
WEEKEND Walter Ruttmann Germany 1931 16 mm 10 min.
DWIGHTIANA Marie Menken USA 1959 16 mm 4 min.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund