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Overseen and Overlooked: Three films by Domietta Torlasco

Filmstill from GARFIELD PARK

Tue 17.10.

Domietta Torlasco's shorts GARFIELD PARK, USA, SUNKEN GARDENS und HOUSE ARREST explore surveillance, imprisonment and borders: borders between space and time, outside and inside, urban and rural. In GARFIELD PARK, USA, the botanical garden represents the "impossible" center of a zone in the process of becoming annihilated. Stories intertwine around it, emanating from streets, from a church, from the history of film and from a soundscape, opening up unexplored paths. In SUNKEN GARDENS plants appear as silent witnesses of the people – of the unemployed, the working poor, the disenfranchised middle-class – almost all of whom are confined to roadside motels in Florida. The film consists of interviews, staged readings, and static portraits. In HOUSE ARREST borders and domesticity collide in the inanimate objects of the Stasi Museum in Berlin. Sounds and voices from Hollywood film clips disrupt the continuum of history. (cn)

SUNKEN GARDENS Domietta Torlasco USA 2016 English original version DCP 19 min.
HOUSE ARREST Domietta Torlasco USA 2015 English original version DCP 9 min.
GARFIELD PARK, USA Domietta Torlasco USA 2021 English original version DCP 33 min.
Plus films selected by Domietta Torlasco from the Arsenal Archive

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund