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Provocative and amusing – Hamburg Filmmakers’ Cooperative

© Deutsche Kinemathek/Werner Nekes, Dore O.

Wed 23.10.

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu dem Kalender
  • Address of welcome: Rainer Rother (Deutsche Kinemathek), Thomas Struck in person

Provocative and amusing: The festival opens on October 23 with four short films from the legendary Hamburg Filmmakers’ Cooperative: DER WARME PUNKT, JÜM-JÜM, NA UND ...?, and KLAMMER AUF, KLAMMER ZU (Hellmuth Costard, FRG 1966). The group was founded in 1968 by Werner Nekes, Dore O., Hellmuth Costard, Helmut Herbst, and Thomas Struck, among others, modeled after the New York Film-Makers’ Cooperative.

Der warme Punkt Thomas Struck BRD 1968 Digital file 20 Min.
Jüm Jüm Werner Nekes, Dore O. BRD 1968 DCP 10 Min.
Na und …? Marquard Bohm, Helmut Herbst BRD 1967 DCP OmeU 32 Min.
Klammer auf, Klammer zu Hellmuth Costard BRD 1966 DCP 22 Min

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media