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Film still from TAIGA: A group of Mongolian men in traditional costumes pose for the camera.

Sun 08.12.

  • Director

    Ulrike Ottinger

  • Germany / 1992
    501 min. / DCP / Original version with German subtitles

  • Original language

    Mongolian, German

  • With two intermissions and Mongolian specialties

  • Part 1: 177 min.
    Part 2: 172 min.
    Part 3: 152 min.

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender
  • Presented by Milena Gregor

Ulrike Ottinger, whose films we’ve distributed since the start of her cinema career and repeatedly presented at Potsdamer Platz in numerous retrospectives, is an unhurried traveler. Her destinations are remote places, fantastical worlds, past eras, often all three at once. This applies to TAIGA in particular, which describes a journey to the yak and reindeer nomads of the northern part of Mongolia. Ottinger follows the reindeer breeding families in their autumn, winter and summer camps. The protagonists of the film comment on how things used to be, talk about what has been lost, forgotten or changed. “The dramatic structure doesn’t just follow the journey to these two peoples, but also the journey to their own history, for which their help is enlisted. In self-stagings, they present themselves during their everyday lives, their celebrations, their religious rites” (Ulrike Ottinger). Ottinger’s eight-hour ethnographic project consists of 10 parts and 38 chapters and is showing with two intermissions during which Mongolian specialties will be served. (mg)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund