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Böse zu sein ist auch ein Ausdruck von Gefühl

Fury is a Feeling too

Thu 03.04.

  • Director

    Cynthia Beatt

  • FRG / 1983
    25 min. / DCP / Original version with English subtitles

  • with

    Cyntia Beatt, Heinz Emigholz

  • Original language


  • Restaurierte Fassung

  • Cinema

    Gropius Bau

    zu dem Kalender
  • Followed by a discussion with Cynthia Beatt, moderated by Florian Wüst

After Yvonne Rainer's Journeys From Berlin/1971, we are showing a film at the Gropius Bau that Cynthia Beatt shot at Potsdamer Platz in 1983: BÖSE ZU SEIN IST AUCH EIN BEWEIS VON GEFÜHL (Fury is a feeling too)is a confrontation with the filmmaker's status as a non-German in 1980s Berlin. "One level of the film is spoken language, in this case German and English, with the appreciation that if a foreign woman speaks German, it does not mean that she is understood. Another level is the language of architecture, which is understood as a text that exposes the soul and history of Berlin." (CB) In a letter to Cynthia Beatt, Yvonne Rainer writes about the performance of Heinz Emigholz (who is presenting an architecture program at the AdK on 12 and 13 April): “This morning I am thinking about the curious positioning of your and Heinz's performances. Yours remains fairly constant, while his moves around: from “bad German” to helpful friend, to devil's advocate and all the shades in between.” (stss)

At Gropius Bau, Niederkirchnerstraße 7, Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut