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Candy Man and Leave Me Alone – Why did you leave America

Film still from LEAVE ME ALONE. Three people are standing on the side of a road, with a gas station in the background.

Fri 03.06.

  • Director

    Ingemo Engström

  • FRG / 1968
    15 min. / 35 mm

  • Original language


Candy Man

A shared apartment. One of the people who lives there comes home and breaks down, without saying a word. It is Candy Man (inspired by the song by Donovan). “A film exercise”. (Engström)

  • Director

    Gerhard Theuring

  • FRG / 1970
    128 min. / DCP

  • Original language


Leave Me Alone – Why did you leave America

“A hundred and twenty-eight minute film consisting of music and silent images which together produce the document of a dream, yet not in a way akin to Fellini; footage of Van Morrison, Rod Stewart, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, MC 5, Neil Diamond, and footage of locations in Munich, but such ones that already on the margins and only still throng with people by accident, peopled by the shadows of the daydreamers, gently gesticulating figures who seem to grow into the images, unknown locations that converge on the music pieces but also diverge from them, interiors with views out of windows, road junctions, suburbs, landscape, the evening sky, with every footstep a tale is told, one hundred and twenty-eight minutes without art and language that together produce a poem out of space and time or the dream of a dream too, in short, the indescribable ‘attempt to arrive at fiction via documentary means or new documentary ideas via fiction’ (Theuring).” (Jürgen Ebert). And Dominique Noguez: “This film is a really big film. It has a cold, icy, terrible romanticism. It is a film after the atomic bomb.” The film won the Grand Prix at the Experimental Film Festival Toulon/Hyères in 1975.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund