Mon 15.05.
Ulrich Schamoni
FRG / 1966
86 min.
/ 35 mm
/ Original version
Sabine Sinjen, Tilla Durieux
Arsenal 1
zu den Ticketszu dem KalenderIntroduction: Daniela Gregori
The Tilla Durieux. A Witness to a Century and Her Roles exhibition curated by Daniela Gregori at the Georg Kolbe Museum is dedicated to Tilla Durieux (1880-1971) and her dramatic life. The celebrated theater and film star was a Berlin icon and the muse of numerous artists. She is thought to have been the most depicted woman of her time. She made her breakthrough as an actor on the stage of the Deutsches Theater with her role as Salomé in 1903. And in 1966, at the age of 84, she played her last role at the cinema in Ulrich Schamoni's ES. The film (in which she plays an “old woman from East Germany”) is about Hilke (Sabine Sinjen), a young unmarried woman who lives with Manfred in Berlin, deliberately opposed to the ideas and conventions of the bourgeoisie. When Hilke finds out that she is pregnant, she decides to have an abortion, only telling Manfred retrospectively. ES was Ulrich Schamoni's first feature-length film and an early work of New German Cinema. (Eva Antunes)