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Filmmakers' Choice

Mon 12.12.

  • Director

    Eléonore de Montesquiou

  • Estonia / 2010
    8 min. / Digital file / Original version with English subtitles

Parole à la femme

In PAROLE À LA FEMME by Eléonore de Montesquiou, a grain seller and a nutritionist speak eloquently in a radio program which gives women in Togo a voice.

  • Director

    Philippe Costantini und Jean Rouch

  • France / 1986
    79 min. / 16 mm / Original version with German subtitles

Folie ordinaire d’une fille de Cham

FOLIE ORDINAIRE D’UNE FILLE DE CHAM, which was inspired by a text by Julius Amédée Laou, is set in a Paris hospital. A psychiatrist presents his colleagues with a spectacular case: a delirious dialogue of disturbing intensity ensues between an old woman from the Antilles, who has been confined to a hospital for 50 years, and a young nurse from Martinique. This alarming psychological drama was shot by Jean Rouch and Philippe Costantini with two cameras: Jean Rouch: “I dreamed of attempting an impossible film adaptation of this play, which allows the audience no moment of respite, except at the end of this imaginary journey (…) where those filming and those being filmed share the same emotion minute for minute, that is, the same inspiration.”

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund