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Big Cinema, Small Cinema: #51 Hands

Filmstill aus CUM PANE. Großaufnahme von zwei Händen, die Teig kneten.

Sun 06.02.

Hands gesticulate, grab and form, you can use them to play nice games. They are a popular motif in cinema and art, sometimes they even take on the leading role. In FANTASMAGORIE (France 1908), the hands of Émile Cohl only appear briefly, recalling the otherwise invisible hands of the animated filmmaker. The hands in Hans Cürlis’ portrait film SCHAFFENDE HÄNDE: HEINRICH ZILLE (Germany 1926) are of central importance as he watches the artist drawing. Hands doing creative work can also be seen in the animated film TRIPTYCHON 2 (Germany 2021) by the Putte kindergarten. The film HAND CATCHING LEAD (USA 1968) by conceptual artist  Richard Serra visualizes catching and grabbing in vivid fashion. CUM PANE (Sweden 2002) by artist Anna Linder is about the art of kneading dough, who films her grandparents making bread. With an elegant Busby Berkeley choreography of hands and arms, the experimental animated film BUSBY (Germany 1997) by Anna Henckel-Donnersmarck is an invitation to dance. (sts)
For all aged 5 and above.

Fantasmagorie Émile Cohl F 1908 16 mm 2 min.
Schaffende Hände: Heinrich Zille Hans Cürlis Germany 1926 16 mm 4 min.
Triptychon 2 Kita Putte Germany 2021 Digital file 3 min.
Hand Catching Lead Richard Serra USA 1968 16 mm 3 min.
Cum Pane Anna Linder Sweden 2002 35 mm 8 min.
Busby Anna Henckel-Donnersmarck Germany 1997 35 mm 3 min.

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