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Filmstill from IN IGLA (Die Nadel)

Sat 30.09.

  • Director

    Rashid Nugmanov

  • USSR, Russian SSR / 1986
    35 min. / DCP / Original version with English subtitles


Beforehand IJA-HHA will be shown, the first documentary record of the stars of the Leningrad rock club and its supporters, shot on the streets of Leningrad and in the rooms of the performance venue and legendary heating plant “Kamchatka”.

  • Director

    Rashid Nugmanov

  • USSR, Kazakh SSR / 1988
    83 min. / 35 mm / Original version with German subtitles


In IGLA, young Kazakh director Nugmanov and his team of like-minded filmmakers experimented with the tropes and structures of the film noir. Drawing on eccentric figures from the underworld, stylistic elements such as scratches on the film material and color distortions, locations selected for their metaphorical potential and above all an epic soundtrack that opens up whole narrative dimensions, they created a self-reflexive film critical of society and the media that is rich in atmosphere. Musician Viktor Tsoi, who was well known in underground musical circles at the time of filming, gives protagonist Moro an enigmatic charisma as he declares war on the local drug dealers. With this performance, Tsoi catapulted himself and the film to cult status. (nf/gv)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund