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Komm mit mir in das Cinema – Die Gregors

Come With Me To The Cinema – The Gregors
Still from the film "Come With Me to the Cinema – The Gregors" by Alice Agneskirchner. Two older people sitting in a film storeroom. At the left side of the frame we see a camera with the hand of the camera man.
© Thomas Ernst

Wed 31.08.

  • Director

    Alice Agneskirchner

  • Germany / 2022
    155 min. / Original version with English subtitles

  • Original language

    German, English

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender
  • Zu Gast: Erika und Ulrich Gregor, Alice Agneskirchner, Sandra Ehlermann Moderation: Dorothee Wenner

Half a year after its world premiere at the Berlinale Forum, we are showing this tribute to Erika and Ulrich Gregor on the evening before its theatrical release, with the screening attended by director Alice Agneskirchner and the two protagonists.

The title refers to the eponymous 1937 poem by Else Lasker-Schüler, in which the poet writes that “what once was: love” can be found at the cinema. Two decades on from this, it was a love of cinema that brought together two people who significantly expanded – today one might say, diversified – the film history of post-war Germany, encompassing both the way films are viewed as well as the discourse surrounding the medium: Erika and Ulrich Gregor.
Alice Agneskirchner’s documentary follows various paths to get right up close to the founders of Arsenal and the International Forum of New Cinema: on the one hand via the eventful life of the couple, who have been married for over 60 years; on the other via those who have accompanied them along the way, including such prominent figures as Jutta Brückner, Wim Wenders and Jim Jarmusch. The films of which the Gregors are particularly fond and to which they gave their full backing are also central, as the duo becomes reacquainted with Claude Lanzmann’s SHOAH, István Szabó’s APA and Helke Sander’s DIE ALLSEITIG REDUZIERTE PERSÖNLICHKEIT – REDUPERS. This is not only a film about love and cinema but also a piece of West German history. (Sven von Reden)

Bonus Material

  • Still from the film "Come With Me to the Cinema – The Gregors" by Alice Agneskirchner. A black and white photo of a group of people in a row in front of a cinema (the old Arsenal cinema in Berlin, Welserstraße)


    In "What do we see when we see cinephiles?" Cosima Lutz contemplates the cinematic representation of the love of film.

  • Still from the film "Come With Me to the Cinema – The Gregors" by Alice Agneskirchner. Ein Schwarz-Weiß-Foto einer Frau und eines Mannes auf einem Podium. Vor ihnen stehen Mikros.  A black and white photo of a woman and a man on a podium with microphones in front of them.


    Ulrich and Erika Gregor annotate the film clips from KOMM MT MIR IN DAS CINEMA – DIE GREGORS.

  • Still from the film "Come With Me to the Cinema – The Gregors" by Alice Agneskirchner. An older woman and a man sitting in a cinema on red seats and looking into the camera.

    Director's Commentary

    Alice Agneskirchner on the challenge of doing cinematic justice to the long and productive life of Erika and Ulrich Gregor.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund