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Filmstill aus SUBJEKTITÜDE. Großaufnahme einer jungen Frau, die frontal in die Kamera blickt.

Mon 21.02.

A short film program reflects 20 years of cinematic engagement with gender relationships and the living experiences of mothers. SUBJEKTITÜDE (West Germany 1966), her first film made at the DFFB film school, wittily breaks the convention of the classical “boy meets girl” set-up. A young woman and two men check each other out at a bus stop. It goes without saying that the young woman is the subject in this ménage-à-trois of gazes and not simply the object of a male perspective. In SILVIO (West Germany 1967), Helke Sander films the everyday life of her little son and asks what the needs of children are, who play no role in discourses of emancipation in either cinema or politics. AUS BERICHTEN DER WACH- UND PATROULLIENDIENSTE NR. 1 (West Germany 1984) shows the hazardous lengths to which a mother goes when confronted with the lack of housing in Berlin at the time: with her child bound in front of her stomach, she goes up in a crane to the height of a house to make people aware of her situation. In her contribution to the portmanteau film Sieben Frauen. Sieben Sünden. Helke Sander grapples with the deadly sin of gluttony. MUSS ICH AUFPASSEN? (West Germany 1987) is the second part of the portmanteau film Felix, in which a “modern man” - played by Ulrich Tukur – is looking for a no-strings adventure. He comes across two women who want to teach him that sensual sexuality is related to empathy and a sense of responsibility.

Subjektitüde FRG 1966 DCP 5 min.
Silvio FRG 1967 DCP 11 min.
Aus Berichten der Wach- und Patrouillendienste Nr. 1 FRG 1984 35 mm 11 min.
Völlerei – Völlerei? Füttern! 2. episode from Sieben Frauen – Sieben Sünden
FRG 1986 DVD 13 min.
Muss ich aufpassen? 2. episode from Felix FRG 1987 Digital file 17 min.

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund