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Nomadic subjects. Feminist theory and the (Polish) film archive

Film still from WHERE DO BABIES COME FROM: A small child with glasses looks at a baby lying in front of him.

Wed 28.09.

“Our desires are that which evades us in the very act of propelling us forth, leaving as the only indicator of who we are, the traces of where we have already been-that is to say, of what we have already ceased to be. Identity is a retrospective notion.”
Rosi Braidotti, “Nomadic Subjects. Embodiment and Sexual difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory”

The selection of the films is the result of the Living Archive Residency Program and research in Poland’s National Film Archive that was transferred to the Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art by the Polish Institute. The topic is women‘s diversities as nomadic subjects in the context of the Polish archive. The films “Skąd biorą się dzieci” (“Where do babies come from”, Jadwiga Żukowska, PL, 1966), “Pierwsze pokolenie” (“The first generation”, Krystyna Gryczełowska, Bogusław Rybczyński, PL, 1963) explore the (historical) emancipation of women in Poland, and will provide a starting point for a discussion in relation to issues raised in the book “Nomadic Subjects. Embodiment and Sexual difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory” by Rosi Braidotti: women as nomadic subjects, multiple differences of class, race, age, lifestyle, desire as well as queer identity.

These themes are problematized in films, such as “Dreams of a Virgin” (Claudia Schillinger, BRD, 1985), “Gently Down the Stream” (Su Friedrich, USA, 1981, 12 min), “Meshes of the Afternoon” (Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid, USA, 1943, 12). “Nitrate Kisses” (Barbara Hammer, USA, 1992), which will also be screened pertains both to the themes above as well as to the subject of archive itself.

Nomadic subjects is also to a topic that is relevant to the situation of residency and finding oneself in a new situation when addressing a film program to a foreign audience, as well as the experience of the journey itself.

The Living Archive Residency has existed since 2011 in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut.

Skąd biorą się dzieci Where Do Babies Come From Jadwiga Żukowska
Polen 1966 35 mm OmE 10 Min.
Pierwsze pokolenie The First Generation Krystyna Gryczełowska, Bogusław Rybczyński
Polen 1963 35 mm OmE 8 Min.
Dreams of a Virgin Claudia Schillinger BRD 1985 16 mm 12 Min.
Gently Down the Stream Su Friedrich USA 1981 16 mm 12 Min.
Meshes of the Afternoon Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid USA 1943 16 mm 14 Min.
Nitrate Kisses Barbara Hammer USA 1992 16 mm OmU 64 Min.

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