Sat 28.10.
Arsenal 1
zu den Ticketszu dem KalenderWith Aida Ben Achour, Malve Lippmann, Manja Malz, Petra Rockenfeller, Can Sungu, Moderation: Anke Hahn
At the latest since the coronavirus pandemic, the death of cinema has been discussed with great urgency. The closure of cinema auditoriums has not only expedited declining numbers of cinemagoers and the decoupling of film from the big screen but has also exacerbated a wound that has been festering for a long time: Why aren’t cinemas attracting larger audiences? The cause is unlikely to be a lack of interest in moving images: streaming platforms are more popular than ever before. But are the stories that people want to see being shown in the cinema? Is the ‘apparatus’ of cinema outdated? Is there a need for alternate formats to make cinema appealing to as many social groups as possible, beyond educated middle-class audiences? This panel will include cinematographers and specialists who have attempted strategies to reach the broadest potential audience.
Aida Ben Achour (Outreach Managerin)
Malve Lippmann (Sinema Transtopia)
Manja Malz (Kinemathek Hamburg)
Petra Rockenfeller (Vorstand AG Kino)
Can Sungu (Sinema Transtopia)
Moderation: Anke Hahn (Deutsche Kinemathek)