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Still from the film "Super Natural". A hand holds a dragonfruit cut in half, with some fruit removed to look like a crying face.
© Ukbar Filmes

Tue 19.07.

  • Director

    Jorge Jácome

  • Portugal / 2022
    85 min. / Original version with English subtitles

  • Original language

    English, Portuguese

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender

SUPER NATURAL is equally fluid. Bodies of all kinds appear before the camera: young performers with and without disabilities, filigree crabs and shrimps, drawings of birds, a singing mermaid princess and scuttling plastic insects. These bodies are impossible to separate from the landscape they find themselves in, the waters, rocks and mountains of Madeira, its plants, flowers and fruits: an island as a body full of bodies that are full of bodies in turn; such effortless elimination of boundaries is indeed supernatural.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media