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Yãmiyhex: As Mulheres-Espirito

Yãmiyhex: the Women-Spirit
Film still from YÃMIYHEX: AS MULHERES-ESPÍRITO: A group of women performing a ritual.

Sun 28.08.

  • Director

    Sueli Maxakali, Isael Maxakali

  • Brazil / 2019
    77 min. / DCP / Original version with English subtitles

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender
  • With a discussion with (via video): Sueli Maxakali, Ismael Maxakali, Carolina Canguçu, Roberto Romero

After a few months at Aldeia Verde, the yãmiyhex (women-spirit) get ready to leave. Directors Sueli and Isael Maxakali record the preparations and the colorful farewell party with great intimacy. A kaleidoscope of performances and cultural codes that might elude understanding, YÃMIYHEX: THE WOMEN-SPIRIT skips explanations and uses its opacity as an invitation to a dip into the pictured rituals. When the shaman says the chant should not be translated or when the yãmiyhex almost crash into the camera while running with their mothers, the boundaries become evident, yet this does not prevent the vivacity of the ongoing celebration from being generously shared with us. With thanks to the Brazilian Embassy for the four 35mm prints and their friendly support of the program as well as to the German Chancellor Grants.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media