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feminist elsewheres

Film program with exhibition and workshops

feminist elsewheres draws on two events that took place at the Arsenal cinema in Berlin: the First International Women’s Film Seminar of 1973, which is considered the starting point of the feminist film movement in West Germany and was organized by Claudia von Alemann and Helke Sander with the support of Erika Gregor, among others. In 1997, a revisitation of the Women’s Film Seminar titled ...the point is to change it. Films, Festivals, Feminism took place, to which, under the curation of then cinema director Stefanie Schulte Strathaus, as well as Madeleine Bernstorff, Birgit Kohler, Silvia Hallensleben, and Regina Holzkamp, all part of Blickpilotin e.V., five feminist film festivals from all over Europe were invited. 
feminist elsewheres is put together by Arisa Purkpong, Sophie Holzberger, Charlotte Eitelbach, Fiona Berg and Elena Baumeister. Central to the curatorial process was the dialogue between historical and contemporary cinematic feminisms. Therefore, feminist elsewheres combines restorations and premieres and brings into conversation protagonists of film movements since the 1960s with contemporary activists. (feminist elsewheres)

As part of feminists elsewheres, selected sketches for an environment conceptualized by the project group EMMA will be on view in the cinema foyer. (p. 19 program brochure)

Festival pass:
50 €
30 € red.

On Saturday and Sunday, November 11th and 12th at 3pm CET, the two podium discussions Sister Projects. Revisiting Feminist Film History and Editions. Publishing Feminist Film History will be live-streamed on Zoom. The links are posted on the event website.

feminist elsewheres is supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and takes place in cooperation with the Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst and the DFFB.

festival catalogue feminist elsewheres

Past screenings

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut