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filmPOSLKA – The Camera’s Gaze: Paweł Łoziński

Film still from THE BALCONY MOVIE. View from a balcony on the street, a woman with a dog and stroller looks up.

Two bold experiments, two minimalistic settings, two cameras looking in diametrically opposed directions. The view of the world in FILM BALKONOWY (The Balcony Movie, 2021), and the focus on the relationship to his father in OJCIEC I SYN (Father and Son, 2013) are representative examples of the sheer breath of the oeuvre of documentary film director, cinematographer, and producer Paweł Łoziński. For all their differences, the two films share the precise, emphatic (camera) gaze of a director whose knack for precise observation gains an intensity that succeeds in referencing far more than the each of the themes in question. (Milena Gregor)

filmPOLSKA is an event by the Polish Institute Berlin.

Past screenings

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  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund