“Let’s talk!” This is the starting point of many documentaries or the interviews and discussions that form their basis. These words are followed by conversations, balancing acts and negotiations whose end point is formed by the painstaking editorial compression of often large quantities of footage, whereby specific content, conversational dynamics, words and not seldom silences must all be grappled with. This forms the common thread of a wide range of different documentary works. We are showing a selection of such documentaries that revolve around emphatic conversations in a double edition of the Magical History Tour in May and June. We start with works that focus on extensive individual conversations that extend ever further outwards in time and space, while seemingly spontaneous open air discussions follow in June. Beyond this deliberately porous categorization, the films of the next two months come together to form a tour d’horizon of gripping, profound, enlightening, often casual seeming, but always highly personal encounters – also and not least with the audience. (Milena Gregor)