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Time Flows All Over

Film still from TIME FLOWS ALL OVER: You can see the sea illuminated by the moon. A person stands in the foreground.
  • Director

    Wolfgang Tillmans

  • Germany / 2024
    84 min. / DCP / Original version

  • Original language


TIME FLOWS ALL OVER, a film by artist Wolfgang Tillmans, is a feast of visual sensations and sensitive observations – a journey of his unendingly curious eyes and an exploration of his voice. Equally employing moving images, sound, and music as an artist primarily known for his still images, Tillmans crafts an arc of time that is both intimate and universally resonant.
The film delves into themes of humility, friendship, and human connection. Tillmans employs his signature aesthetic—marked by meticulous detail, perceptual pleasure, and unflinching emotion—to create a tapestry of images that are charged yet hopeful. The visual narrative is enriched by equally poetical and conceptual thought, highlighting, for instance, the various states of water as metaphors for human adaptability and change. Incorporating field recordings and spoken word elements alongside his music, Tillmans infuses the film with political messages, while his captivating use of light and color underscores the film's emphasis on hope and transformation. The film is also an examination of time, eschewing nostalgia in favour of a perspective that sheds light at the intersection of the present with the future. In TIME FLOWS ALL OVER Tillmans finds a new personal language attempting to locate himself in the here and now, whilst tracing the ever-present seeds of renewal and growth. The film invites viewers to engage with existential questions, underscoring importance of careful observation and the significance of friendship and of sharing experiences.

Note: A earlier title of the film is given in the printed monthly program.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media