The film institute of Universität der Künste Berlin continues publishing a series of filmic works created in the course "Experimental Media Design". The monographic DVDs with works of Kaya Behkalam, Sebastian Bodirsky, Karl Bongartz, Julia Bränzel, Kolja Barbara Kunt, Paul Leyton, Markus Ruff, Björn Speidel, Tal Sterngast, and Daniel Urria have just appeared. From experimental film to documentary works and essayistic production, all the way to narrative pieces and cinematographic research, these DVDs also represent the wide range of filmic forms created at the UdK. The films published on the DVDs will be presented in excerpts by the authors on Saturday, Jan. 24, at 8 p.m. (Heinz Emigholz) (Jan. 24)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund