On the occasion of the International Holocaust Memorial Day, we will show short films dealing with the persecution and murder of Jews by Germans and the liberation of the concentration camps. Tobias Ebbrecht (HFF Potsdam-Babelsberg) comments on the footage from Stuttgart shot in 1941 showing a special food outlet for Jews and a gathering place as the first stage on the way to deportation. Ronny Loewy (Deutsches Filminstitut) analyses a sequence of NÜRNBERG UND SEINE LEHRE (1948) on killing people with exhaust fumes in September 1941 in the White Russian town of Mogilev. Christoph Spieker (Geschichtsort Villa ten Hompel, Münster) presents a film of the German Order Police from 1941 showing a raid on a Jewish district of Krakow. Günter Agde (Berlin) comments on unedited recordings made by American cameramen of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp in April 1945. Presenter: Jeanpaul Goergen. (Jan. 26)
A program by CineGraph Babelsberg in cooperation with the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv and the Deutsche Kinemathek. Supported by the DEFA-Stiftung.
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund