In 1969, the director Walter Heynowski and the television publicist Gerhard Scheumann were allowed to open their own "Filmstudio H & S" independently of the DEFA in the GDR. Up until the forced dissolution of the studio in 1982, the documentary filmmakers shot numerous films that caused a furor at international festivals as well. Indiscriminately defamed as propaganda after 1990, the works of Studio H & S are worth being rediscovered and newly assessed today. Our selection comprises the short films 400 M3 on blood donations for Vietnam, MITBÜRGER and GELDSORGEN on Pinochet's putsch, as well as EIN VIETNAM-FLÜCHTLING on a South Vietnamese person living in exile in the United States. The at the time extremely spectacular, full-length film GEISTERSTUNDE portrays the fortune-teller Buchela, who as the "Oracle of Bonn" intervened in politics.
An event by CineGraph Babelsberg with the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv. Introduction: Ralf Schenk (May 11)