Zeitgenössische Werbepostkarte zur Ausstellung "Die Technische Stadt"
FilmDokument: Exhibition "Die Technische Stadt" 1928
The exhibition "Die Technische Stadt" that took place in Dresden in summer of 1928 uses the example of a modern city to show how technology has an impact on people's lives. The technological body of the city is exhibited, its organism: electricity, gas, water, traffic and communication, police and fire department. The program bundles all preserved films and film fragments of the ambitious show. The sensation of the exhibition was DAS ERSTE KUGELHAUS DER WELT [The World's First Spherical House] (1928). DAS STAHLRAHMENHAUS DER STAHLBAU-GMBH DÜSSELDORF [The Steel Frame House of Stahlbau-GmbH Düsseldorf] (1928) also caused a stir. In addition, we will show the advertising film about the ZEITGEMÄSSE HAUSHALT [Contemporary Household] (1930) as well as the first documentary on Berlin's Radio Tower as DAS NEUE WAHRZEICHEN BERLINS [Berlins New Landmark] (1928).
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund