The most recent film marketed by Arsenal distribution is Zoran Solomun's SUPER ART MARKET (2009), the premiere of which is on June 25 at Arsenal in the presence of the director. The film deals with the marketing of contemporary art, with which more money has been made than ever before from 2002 to 2008. The hunger for modern art at art fairs around the world seemed insatiable. A new money aristocracy speculated with pictures and sculptures as if they were stocks. The true protagonists of this development, however, were gallerists and art dealers. SUPER ART MARKET focuses on five gallerists: Leo König from the USA, Judy Lybke from Deutschland, Lorenz Helbling from China, Mihai Pop from Romania, and Laura Bartlett from England. The end of the shooting coincided with the commencing financial crisis in the summer of 2008 – in autumn of that year, some galleries had already gone bankrupt.
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund