The Art of Mediation (4): Experiment Film and Art Spaces
The adoption of cinematic models, often out of an impulse to do research, has a long tradition in experimental films. For quite a while now, one can find installations working with found footage and tying in with this tradition in galleries and museums as well. Not all these works are films about films, but where the editing is directed toward content-related motifs or shots typical of a genre, one can learn something about cinema in the space of art as well. In the program with Dirk Schaefer, who has done sound design for works by Peter Tscherkassky, Matthias Müller and Christoph Girardet and edited films of his own, parts of this tradition of hidden films about films will be discussed. "The Art of Mediation", a project by Entuziazm e.V., is supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation and the Federal Agency for Civic Education. (March 27)
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund
The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut