AFRIKAMERA 2010: African Leaders – African Future – African Movies
2010 is the year of the first Soccer World Cup on the African continent, but also the year in which stock is being taken in Africa fifty years after the end of colonial rule. Stocktaking turns out to be mixed when looking at the state of affairs in African states today. And the continent's prospects for the future give rise to hope as well as disillusionment. From Nov. 18 – 21, 2010, the third edition of "AFRIKAMERA – Current African Cinema" presents a selection of recent African feature and documentary films on the theme of "African Leaders, African Future, African Movies." Films will be screened that deal with the past and future political and social development of Africa, also shedding light on the roles of political leaders in Africa’s liberation and democratization process.
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund