In the presence of director Claus Löser and camerawoman Jakobine Motz, we will show BEHAUPTUNG DES RAUMES – UNABHÄNGIGE AUSSTELLUNGSKULTUR IN DER DDR (Claus Löser, D 2009, Jan. 15) After the expatriation of Wolf Biermann in 1976 at the latest, a culture evolved in the GDR that delimited itself from the official apparatuses of cultural production and dissemination and created its own structures. This subcultural approach could be found in the fields of painting and photography as well as in literature, music and film. Galleries such as Eigen+Art, for example, contributed to the public perception of this artistic emancipation movement. However, these free spaces could only be asserted within a process in which a large number of actors had previously participated as precursors.
BEHAUPTUNG DES RAUMES tells the story of this "other GDR" culture in a dialog between present-day views and documentary recordings.
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund