The screening of Ingmar Bergman's ZAUBERFLÖTE (Trollflöjten, The Magic Flute, Sweden 1974, Oct. 3,17 & 24) follows the theme of this month's Magical History Tour: The focus of the series, and of many of the films by the Swedish director Ingmar Bergman, is the face as a filmic event, often shown in close-up. In his very personal version of Mozart's opera, Bergman congenially transcends the borders of classical opera adaptations and lets the camera become almost a co-actor in the events. Time and again it closes in on the protagonists of the opera and the supposed spectators of the performance, especially a young girl whose facial expressions comment on the plot and the mood of the opera from the start and throughout the film. Age 12 and older.
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund