WERKSTATT FÜR EUROPA – FEUER AN DER RUHR (1956/57) – A symphony of the Ruhr region! A freight train travels through untouched natural landscapes. More and more factories and extensive railroad lines appear — the coal-mining region is there, the train arrives, the shift begins. Clearly alluding to Walter Ruttmann's Berlin: The Symphony of a Big City from 1927, Ferdinand Khittl in 1956/57 draws a varied picture of the Ruhr region and its inhabitants. Without commentary, with many original shots and the music of Wolfgang Zeller, Khittl observes the everyday life of people on the Rhine and Ruhr, where flows of goods and paths of life intersect. (Jeanpaul Goergen). Introduction: Jeanpaul Goergen. A program of CineGraph Babelsberg, in cooperation with the Bunde-sarchiv-Filmarchiv and the Deutsche Kinemathek. (Sept. 13)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund