In 1936, the film company Atelier Svend Noldan produced the full-length cultural film DAS GROSSE EIS – ALFRED WEGENERS LETZTE FAHRT. It is based on recordings of the Greenland expedition headed by Alfred Wegener in 1930 and overshadowed by the death of the arctic explorer. The film production not only documents the then-newest insights into the exploration of Greenland, but is also dedicated to the heroization of German science: Breathtaking shots of the polar ice landscapes alternate with didactic explanations. Then-state-of the-art animation technology visualizes the research work, while Germanic heroic sayings serve as a frame. This is a film document worth seeing, for it reveals the interplay of film industry, politics, science, and popular culture during the National Socialist period. (Dorit Müller)
An event of CineGraph Babelsberg in cooperation with the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv and the Deutsche Kinemathek. Introduction: Dorit Müller (Feb. 22)