On the occasion of Winfried Junge's 75th birthday, we will show two films from the chronicle of the children of Golzow, documenting the development of children of a school class from their first day at school in 1961 to the year 2007. In addition to the short film with which everything began, WENN ICH ERST ZUR SCHULE GEH' (GDR 1961), we will also screen JOCHEN – EIN GOLZOWER AUS PHILADELPHIA(Barbara und Winfried Junge, D 2002). "Originally, Jochen was to become the hero of our first film. For school enrolment, we had tailored the leading role for the funny, fat rascal, but the cameraman found that Jochen had 'the facial expression of a polar bear.' The son of a agricultural functionary was trained as a milker, he was a border guard, and had two sons at an early age. Born in Philadelphia and educated in a socialist spirit, Jochen is disappointed with both the GDR, in which he had placed so many hopes, and its collapse." (Barbara and Winfried Junge). Introduction: Ulrich Gregor (July 21)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund