On October 16, the Deutsche Kinemathek will take part for the fourth time in the world-wide Home Movie Day (www.homemovieday.com). Between 10 and 12 a.m., everyone can bring along their family films and other treasures to be assessed by experts. Advice will be given on preserving the originals, and from 3 to 6 p.m. a selection of films will be screened. The evening program at Arsenal presents another side of the home movie format: Around the year 1980, "Power to Super8!" was the slogan of young super8 filmmakers who recorded other things than weddings, vacation impressions, and birthday cakes. They attempted to create a counterpublic and filmed, from the perspective of those involved, contemporary conflictladen West Berlin with squatting and police violence. We will show a crosssection from the archive of this film movement and hold a discussion with the filmmakers. (Martin Koerber)
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund