In 1964, Henri-Georges Clouzot began shooting L'enfer, his until then most ambitious film. The screen tests with then 24-year-old Romy Schneider are already breathtaking – staged by Clouzot as a projection surface for the delusions of her pathologically jealous husband. But not only the subject matter is nightmarish, the entire project was ill-fated and came to an end after Clouzot suffered a heart attack. What remained were 185 film reels with 15 hours of material that disappeared in various archives. Now, film historians Serge Bromberg and Ruxandra Medrea retrieved this material and edited it to a combination of contemporary eyewitness report, a making-of and restaged scenes resulting in the film L'ENFER D'HENRI-GEORGES CLOUZOT (F 2009).
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund