This month the Magical History Tour focuses on militant-flaming manifestos, ironic-sarcastic texts, and merciless settling of accounts – the attempt to narrate the history of cinema, as always partially, from the perspective of its manifestos. An ideal program for the beginning of the new year, since all compiled texts demand a new start. All texts deal with no less than the fundamental renewal or liberation of cinema from the constraints of commercial, aesthetic and narrative conventions, with proclaiming a new cinema that reflects political, social and artistic conditions and takes a personal and artistic stand. We have attributed to each manifesto one or two films that either "cinematically" adapt the texts or are mentioned in them and are usually from the authors themselves. To give information, but mainly to "manifesto" and its content in a due way in regard to its function, the texts of each event will be distributed at the box office.
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund