In 1988, director Cynthia Beatt and young Tilda Swinton set off on a filmic journey along the Berlin Wall. Today, the film CYCLING THE FRAME is an unusual document. 21 years later, Beatt and Swinton again traveled the line once dividing Berlin. In THE INVISIBLE FRAME, they follow the same path through a variety of border landscapes, this time, however, on both the Western and Eastern side of Berlin. Both films by Cynthia Beatt are screened each Sunday at 5 p.m.. On Jan. 17, THE INVISIBLE FRAME and CYCLING THE FRAME will be supplemented by the documentary film WALL (2004) by Simone Bitton – a filmic meditation on the wall in Israel. (Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund