PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION (From: Kosinki ‹› [= Chris Marker] | 26. September 2008 | YouTube, 4.667 views)
Transgression of Cinema – The Borders of Film
One can observe for quite some time now that the close historical ties between the dispositif of "cinema" and the aesthetic practice of "film" have been expanded by a number of other media configurations. Between YouTube and art space, HBO and multiplex: Where can cinema (still and again) be found today, what is (still) film? These are the main questions posed by a conference organized by Volker Pantenburg and Simon Rothöhler (SFB 626 / FU Berlin) which will be opened at Arsenal with contributions by the artist and theorist Victor Burgin ("Log Line and Monologue") and the film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum ("Goodbye Cinema, hello Cinephilia"). On the following two days, lectures will be given at the ICI Kulturlabor by, among others, Raymond Bellour, Diedrich Diederichsen, Tom Gunning, Miriam Hansen, Vinzenz Hediger, Ute Holl, Gertrud Koch, and Lev Manovich. (April 22)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund