Vaginal Davis presents Rising Stars, Falling Stars
artforum declared it the favorite event of 2009: the silent movie series "Rising Stars, Falling Stars" presented by Vaginal Davis! In 2010 it continues with ERDGEIST (Earth Spirit, Leopold Jessner, D 1923), a film adaptation of Wedekind's "Lulu" subject, six years before Pabst's Die Büchse der Pandora (Pandora’s Box). Béla Balázs on the content: "The play? There is no play. The only content of the film is that Asta Nielsen flirts with six men and seduces them. The content of the film is the erotic aura of this woman who presents us with the great, complete lexicon of gestures of sensual love." Silent film expert Ms. Davis presents the film with Eunice Martins on the piano and invites the audience to a reception afterwards. (Jan. 23)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund