Zur Nachahmung empfohlen! Expeditionen in Ästhetik & Nachhaltigkeit
"Zur Nachahmung empfohlen! Expeditionen in Ästhetik & Nachhaltigkeit" ("Recommended for Imitation! Expeditions in Aesthetics and Sustainability") is an exhibition project by by Adrienne Goehler (curator) and Jaana Prüss (project director) opening at the Uferhallen Berlin on Sept. 2. On view are artistic practices seeking to contribute to the preservation of the planet and exerting influence on conscious consumer behavior. Sustainability requires expanded perception regarding interaction. For this reason, the borders between artistic and technological creativity, between viability and idea, are deliberately abolished. The film program will be shown at both the Uferhallen and Arsenal.
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund