In a small selection of films, which we will screen on the occasion of the sixth edition of the Polish film festival in Berlin, filmPOLSKA, we present the work of two numerously awarded, internationally renowned Polish cameramen: Paweł Edelman and Arthur Reinhart. Both graduated from the famous film academy in Łódz and did their first camera works in the mid 1980s and early 1990s respectively. During the course of their careers, both have collaborated with certain directors: Paweł Edelman shot a number of films with Władysław Pasikowski, Andrzej Wajda and Roman Polanski, while Reinhart has been regularly working with Dorota Kędzierzawska since 1994 as a cameraman and cutter. Not only the five films which we will screen from April 15 to 22 give insights into the working methods of Edelman and Reinhart, but also the discussions with the two cameramen: We are looking forward to greeting Paweł Edelman on April 15 and Arthur Reinhart on April 19 at Arsenal.
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund