To describe Jochen Kuhn as an animated filmmaker would be too easy. His films are paintings which continually change and mutate into surprising sequences of different scenes. They come across as if they were hand made, going as far as to allow the artist’s hand or he himself to enter the image from time to time in order to create a change of perspective. They tell of small everyday events with a dreamy sense of melancholy, some more darkly laconic moments, gentle wit and black humor. In FISIMATENTEN (1999, November 9), his only feature film to date, his visual world is combined with real actors in order to create a comedy about the art business. The Academy of Arts and the Deutsche Kinemathek will be presenting a cross-section of Jochen Kuhn's work, which forms part of the Kinemathek's archive's holdings and will soon be distributed by them too. (Martin Koerber) (November 7 & 9)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund