As part of the preparations for the Andrzej Wajda retrospective to be held at Arsenal in December in collaboration with the Polish Institute, we have invited several Polish filmmakers and actors to talk about working with Wajda, give an introduction to one of his films and to present other examples of their work. We are very happy to welcome the famous actress Grazyna Szapolowska to Arsenal, who will be presenting Krzysztof Kieślovski's BEZ KONCA (No End, Poland 1984, June 22) and Wajda's PAN TADEUSZ (Poland 1999, June 23.). She played the leading female role in both films: a lawyer's widow attempting to come to terms with the political situation in mid 80s Poland following the introduction of marshal law in BEZ KONCA, and the mysterious Telimena in PAN TADEUSZ, Wajda's film adaptation of the Polish national epic originally written in verse.
In collaboration with the Polish Institute.
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund